TreNdinG #6 with BlackLiquid and VeroModero

Continuing with the Black Couture Series from VeroModero 
and the new Skin and Shoe Line from BlackLiquid's

[VM] VERO MODERO / Myst Dress
blackLiquid SKIN - YOKO FLESH
blackLiquid SHOE - Ultra Platform Black
blackLiquid MAKEUP - black gloss
blackLiquid MAKEUP - bruised

 [VM] VERO MODERO / Owl Dress
blackLiquid SKIN - YOKO CREAM
blackLiquid MAKEUP -  vamp
blackLiquid MAKEUP - Orient Express Zen lips

Styling Card:
"LoQ Hair" Whisky I - German Blonde
Poses by Di's Opera & DelMai
[[Loovus Dzevavor]] ~ Hair: Bruno Noir
