
Showing posts from July, 2013

TrenDing #83 with [AM]

The Dazzlers Inc. Showcase 2013 and celebration of 5th Birthday

TrenDing #82 with LpD

PunkStar by AFI

Lucy by Azul

DANA by Finesmith

LpD for the "Love Donna Flora"

TrenDing #81 with SAS

Glam Dreams Group Gift

VeroModero Hunt

VeroModero for the "Love Donna Flora"

BlackLiquid Love for Donna Flora

AFI Designs news

Lara by Azul

Glam Dreams Last Day of Sale before Closing

7DS Special offers for the month

Swing by Champagne

Blueberry Mini´s

TrenDing #80 with Morea Style

Nya´s new shop

Singing in the rain...

TrenDing #79 with Prism

Setiba by Amarelo Manga

Wanna be a sexy Cowgirl?

Caterina and Dara by LpD