TrenDing #336 with Azoury, Prism & Vanity Hair

Azoury has this gorgeous necklace ready for Halloween or any other occasion.
Is available @ Limit8 and only have 200 pieces in 3 colors, never will be sold after the event.
Also from Azoury I'm wearing the amazing shoes, I had to confess that I'm addicted to Azoury shoes and the brand in general, they only does AMAZING! things,
like all the designers that I have the luck of blog :)
You can get the shoes here

Prism by Jezzica has this nice set ready for the Autumn Season (YAY!!! my fav in both lives)
for Designer Circle 139th Collection.
Cynthia is available in 6 colors,
includes the pants with a nice texture, top and sweater that 
comes with a HUD for black and white options.

AZOURY - Solomiya high-heeled shoes Turquoise [SLink]

Prism Cynthia Set in Turquoise

Vanity Hair for HairOLogy- The Event - 10th - 30th.
Created Miss Coco, a very chic short hair cut.

AZOURY - Spider Necklace Blue
Vanity Hair:Miss Coco-Greedy

Styling Card:
Location; Orchard Heights
Poses by Di's Opera
Pink Acid Mildred Lips & Teeth - Nude
*GA* Makeup Eyeliner V1 Black
