Ghee VIP March Gift

Ghee VIP Group Gift for March 2016,
this lovely outfit with sandals.
Ghee group membership costs 250L - and there are 7 gifts out all the time 
(Ghee keeps the previous 6 months gifts out, alongside the latest one)! 
Here is the link to paste into local chat to join the group:

Ghee Laverne Outfit (March 16 VIP Gift)

Your Limo.

Styling Card:
Pose by AMITIE Sara
MK Eyes Liner up Pink by Alge's Designs
Lips Qork Light Pink by Alge
MK Eyes Soft Liner wShadow Pink by Alge's Designs
Clouds of Athena Wht/Pk Bracelet
Vanity Hair:So Hard(F)(MAT)-Must Haves
