Poppy by Azoury

 Poppy Top with skirt,
Poppy Long Top and 
Poppy Sac
Are the new additions from Azoury, in store now.

Long mesh skirt with top in a lot of colors to choose and match with the bag.
AZOURY - La Robe POPPY Noire

 AZOURY - Le Sac POPPY Violet
AZOURY - Le Tee-Shirt POPPY Bleu
AZOURY - Les Talons DESIRELESS Vert d'eau

Your Limo to Azoury

Styling Card:
blackLiquid MAKEUP - berry blast gloss
"LoQ Hair" Whisky II - Pink
(Kunglers Extra) Perolas - black & silver
:: PM :: Etnia Bangles in Purple
N-core ETOILE "Black"
/Wasabi Pills/ Brigitte Mesh Hair - Blonds Pack
